Why do I try to be nice to family, co-workers and people I don't even know? I need to start being mean. Just a rambling account of my life. Interesting? I don't think so.
I Really Must Be Depressed, Can You Tell?
Published on November 11, 2004 By nobody cares In Welcome
This is my first time ever doing a blog. I dont even know why I am attempting to do so in the first place. Maybe this can be a place where I can finally unload what is on my mind. I don't have anyone to tell my problems to. You know what happens when you tell your problems to someone. Eventually they will blab, intentionally or not, and then it is all over. Whatever bad you have said about someone is out in the open, or whatever you did bad that you told is out in the open. My husband I think truly hates me. He keeps saying he loves me, but it just aint the truth. Whenever I do the least little thing wrong, man he jumps on it like white on chicken shit. But you let someone say just one thing wrong about something he does and the shit hits the fan. Okay, can you tell I am from Texas yet? I truly think hubby has the mental problem and I have one for staying with him. But I mean, where in the hell would I go if I left? I don't want to be an imposition to my kids by living with them, they have enough problems of their own. I am not close to any relatives on my side, not that I would ever consider living them anyway and the main thing being they would not EVER consider the possibility of me living with them !! Okay I am not feeling good tonite cause hubby and I had a fight over money. Always the same thing. I buy my make-up at the frigging dollar store, not even Wal-mart, it costs too much. My only frivilous spending is cigarettes and beer. If I had to do without that, I might as well get the gun and blow my head off. But what I am saying is, I don't spend anything on crap. And there is never enough money. I have a good job and make decent money. If, after bills I still had 1000.00 left over it is never enough. I dont know why I am typing this stuff. If for some obscure reason someone did read it, they would think what in the hell is wrong with this woman? I ask myself that too, but I dont dwell on it long cause it's stupid. I guess I need to do like when I was a kid. and they were fighting in the kitchen throwing chairs and yelling and such. If you be real quiet and just stay somewhere out of sight then maybe they will leave you alone. So I am just going to say to hubby, you know you are right. I will not spend any more money that you dont know where every frigging penny went. Okay enought said. Gotta stop for now.
on Nov 11, 2004
nobody cares,

Well I think you need to get a hobby or something, you surely don't seem to be happy with your current situation. You need something to take yourmind off of it for a while so you stop dwelling on it. I know how tough it can be when your not seeing eye to eye with your significant other, you either need to stick it out or you need to get out.

As far as money goes, if you have a job and make your own money you have a right to keep some of that and spend it anyway you like to. In my house I make more money than my wife so I pay all the bills. I don't ask her for anything, she is free to do as she pleases with what she makes with the only condition being that she never ask me for money.

Good luck and I hope it gets better for you!